Basic Expressions:

Hello - vani quirb (literally, “how now”)
How are you - vanicae pheumso?
It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it- vev cultrumsip pheum, sip ca leso?
Good day(time) - amut culo
Good morning - amut hrhoen
Good evening - amut ale
Good night - amut ascedes
Yes - hrheu
No - naves
Really - exoxso?
Oh dear! - om exela!
Of course - saen
Isn’t it - pheumsipso?
Aren’t you - pheumaeso?
Little by little - cu cus (lit. little littlefrom)
Please - umon
What I’m trying to say is... - vocaenra cel pheum...
What he’s trying to say it this - qui vocacum cel pheum
Thank you - monraen (lit. I thank)
Thank you very much - monraen ruba (lit. I thank many)
You’re welcome - gruntae vam (lit. you know much)
I don’t know - vamenra ca (or edphien[ra] ca)
I think so - enra avaro (lit. I think)
I don’t think so - enra ca avaro
What do you think - vesae avaroso?
Why not - va caso?


How does Vocatae (Foxish) work? The basic grammar is Object-Subject-Verb. What does this mean? Well, in Vocatae, to say

I love you - caenra quod (or caenra atalat)

Literally this is YOU-I LOVE. The grammar of Vocatae is backwards! Though this rule is sometimes bent, Vocatae does generally not follow English grammar. It is totally unique.

Pronouns, as you’ve seen, attach themselves to the previous word. The excess ‘e’ is dropped as the two pronouns also join up and become one word. It’s simple and logical, but also unusual.

(c)ae = you
enra = I, me
quod (atalat) = love

Adjectives go before nouns. Nouns go before verbs, with some exceptions. There is another unusual construction.

English: William, my friend.
Vocatae: Velam, pheum cubenrahrhon iop.
Literal: William, exist andIpossessive friend.

This construction is used whenever several names for one thing are given. ‘Velam’ is the Vocatae word for William.

cub = and
pheum = is, am, exist
-hrhon = the possessive suffix
iop = friend

Conjunctions go as in English, except those connecting two sentences, which then go at the end:

“Vearciu ulta caemye cacansa iugote pheum, ometisivetum cuinmon cub!”
“There are many tests to becoming one of us and they must be passed with O levels!”
[Literal: One we-inclusive make thereis great test-plural exist, olevel-in-plural-they accomplish-past and!]

vear = one
ciu = we (inclusive)
ulta = make
caemye = there is
cacansa = great
iugot = test
-e = plural suffix
ometi = o level
-siv = on, in suffix
tum = they, them
cuin = accomplish
-mon = past suffix
cub = and


Continue onto PART 3