white = sintha
black = azca
red = vaer
yellow = ecin
green = mira
blue = iacin

North = Lifni
South = Hul
East = Uquaph
West = Tos

Months (Transliteration from English):
Ianuari, Februari, Mars, April, Mai, Iun, Iulai, August, September, October, November, December

Months (Legion System): The system used by the Legion in my stories. The Legion has years of 25 avae (Legion months), each month consisting of 20 cultrume (Legion days). Each day consists of 12 cie (Legion hours). Each dil (Legion week), consists of 8 days. Each year has 506 days, evenly divided into 25 months of 20 days and 6 extra days at the end, called avaldoe (division days). This is a bizarre system, and is never meant to be used in actual real life, but for literary purpouses only. However, for cultural and interest’s sake, I will list the 25 months of the Legion Calendar: Ta, Tarviat, Enini, Dil, Sil, Mi, Tei, Vin, Son, Eni, Soni, Lison, Munca, Cancor, Cul, Vac, Tesa, Cilehrhav, Tiransatax, Tarjume, Tacicav, Ioda, Ceran, Iasvi, Tabest, and Avaldoe (division days).

Months (Badí Calendar):
This is a calendar based on the 19-number system. Each day is 24 hours, from sunset to sunset. Each week is 7 days. Each month is 19 days. Each year consists of 19 months. Each “Vahid” consists of 19 years. After the end of the 18th month, there is a period of 4 days, 5 in leap years to make it an even 365 days. Every 19 Vahids is one Oucau Zepe (lit. all things), a period of 361 years. The week begins with Saturday and ends with Friday. The first day of the year, Enor Cultrum (lit. New Day), is the evening of March 21st (the Spring Equinox). Based on the Badí Calendar of the Kitáb-i-Asmá’, this is the most logical and even calendar system in the world! :)

Below are the 19 Esterite months (Name in Vocatae/English/Start Date):
1. Hrha - (Splendour) - March 21
2. Gut - (Glory) - April 9
3. Vev - (Beauty) - April 28
4. Iioth - (Grandeur) - May 17
5. Ramutu - (Light) - June 5
6. Hepmi - (Mercy) - June 24
7. Vocane - (Words) - July 13
8. Anglia - (Perfection) - August 1
9. Iedisin - (Names) - August 20
10. Rajia - (Might) - September 8
11. Mon - (Will) - September 27
12. Vamediph - (Knowledge) - October 16
13. Amen - (Power) - November 4
14. Voca - (Speech) - November 23
15. Quelisin - (Questions) - December 12
16. Omen - (Honour) - December 31
17. Talos - (Sovereignty) - January 19
18. Iathuos (Dominion) - February 7
Extra four days (five in leap years): Cultrume Vuic (Lit. Days of Five) - February 26 to March 1
19. Masli - (Loftiness) - March 2

Days of the Week (Esterite System):
1. Gut - (Glory) - Saturday
2. Vev - (Beauty) - Sunday
3. Anglia - (Perfection) - Monday
4. Hrhaidas - (Grace) - Tuesday
5. Vilma - (Justice) - Wednesday
6. Nicolar - (Majesty) - Thursday
7. Otorovo - (Independence) - Friday

Alphabet (of the Legion):
The written system of Vocatae, which the gods and demi-gods of the Legion use, is a runic system, rather resembling the runic systems of the Germanic peoples of Europe’s past. It consists of 24 runes. The names of each letter of the alphabet in Vocatae are: aeger (A), caedes (B), latus (C, K), iuvo (D), orior (E), buird (F, PH), uain (G), feur (H, KH), glan (I), orra (J, Z), gei (L), ma (M), ciaosi (N), haeret (O), certe (P), eta (R), limae (S), labor (T), mora (U), iure (V), caelitus (W), brevi (X), manu (Y), and vir (AE, AI).

Seasons of the Year:
Spring = Raemwe
Summer = As
Autumn = Fal
Winter = Lefwe

to = -us, -ap, -cim (suffix)
before = von
by (beside) = obon
by (done by) = -la(p) (suffix)
of = -ic, -ae (suffix)
in, on = -ie, -siv (suffix)
until, up to = do
between = icco
against = hera
with = -a (suffix)
for = -am (suffix)
from = -io (suffix)
about = tuobuin
because = ioda
under = -esnas (suffix)
beneath = -esnisi (suffix)
below = -esnus (suffix)
over = -revur (suffix)
through = -vup (suffix)

or = arn
because = ioda
during, while = phera
and = cub
that, what = cel
though = halc
as = -idei (suffix)
if so = socaquo
neither.... nor = ca....carn
but = ium, ubcam, avium


Continue onto PART 6